Husqvarna chainsaw helmet with ultravision visor - Functional

Husqvarna Chainsaws  | Clothing | Chainsaw helmets |  Husqvarna chainsaw helmet with ultravision visor - Functional

Husqvarna Functional chainsaw helmet comes complete with visor, sun peak, hearing protectors and neck guard. There is a replaceable lining and push-out air vents. The helmets are resistant to UV light and the visor gives good visibility and good water run-off. The hearing protectors can be adjusted vertically and sideways and ensure good noise exclusion despite low pressure. It also complies with requirements for rigidity, molten metal and low temperature (40°C).

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Husqvarna Chainsaws  | Clothing | Chainsaw helmets |  Husqvarna chainsaw helmet with ultravision visor - Functional